Sunday, May 20, 2012

iMoot 2012: The "Mini Cooper Moot" LOL

What fun!  Not only has the programme finally been published, but all keynoters have been outed on the site with pictures and everything *:-)

Down below you can see the sessions I plan to attend, but right now I recommend that you take a quick detour (no GPS required) to take a look at one Moodler's collection of vehicles ... he would be fun to ride around with *:-)  Go here to see:

Ok then, look for me in the following sessions, and please say hello:

  • Keynote 1: Michelle Moore (a person I believe comes close to Guy Kawasaki level in her ability to enthuse & promote Moodle)
  • Google Analytics and Moodler with Bas Brands (Presos by folks from the Nederlands are almost always good)
  • Integrating Mahara and Moodle 2 for the ultimate LMS (maybe I can finally figure out how to use Mahara)
  • Google Apps - Moodle Integration Possibilities (I just added apps to my personal site, so this is great!)
  • Lecture Broadcast and Capture using BigBlueButton (maybe I can finally use this tool)
  • Using Moodle in Business (this is the guy with the cars *:-] )
  • Mahara: ePortfolio for Moodle users, with Kristina Hoeppner from New Zealand, which is where my wife and I would live if we weren't in California.
  • Mahara ePortfolio in Practice, with Sigi Jakob-Kuhn, who imho is a very serious contributor to the Moodle world, and her posts on Twitter send me to Google Translate frequently *:-)
  • Sponsor - The FreeMoodle.or project, with the guy with the cars, and a New Zealander *:-)
  • Keynote 5 with Das Moodler himself, always genuine and forthcoming about his creation.
  • My Moodle Course: An Experiment in Social Constructionism, with Michelle Moore, and a topic that causes much debate among the educators I come in contact with here in California.  Not everybody likes Social Contructionism.
  • Then of course there is the mysterious "Session B-31"; how could I not attend such an "MI6" sort of session, eh?
  • iMoot wrapup, always fun and relaxing, why not?

See you there.

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Great to see tweets and messages from the 2012 iMoot team indicating that "things are on the stove, and beginning to cook" *:-)  Wishing everyone on the iMoot team well, and we appreciate the effort.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

2012 iMoot ( energy is building, with significant commentary on other social sites working to help get it off the ground.  I am not seeing the level of activity from the host like I believe i saw in the past, but I have seen that the individuals who put so much into the iMoot each year have been traveling and busy elsewhere, so perhaps they will begin to construct the experience soon.  I hope they have jackets for sale this year *:-)  See you there, perhaps.  Cheers.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

2012 iMoot is coming up!

I love the iMoots so far, and this will be my third one, for which I have already registered.  The Moodle community seems to be able to remain unsullied by the excessively commercial LCMS market, although some temblors have been felt via the recent gutting of some of Moodle's developer revenue stream by the purchase of a Moodle hosting service by one of the big government-contract heavy LMS titans.  I believe teachers shall remain the same however, and will send my energy to those who continue to keep it simple on behalf of learning via online delivery.  Cheers!  Hope to bump into you at the iMoot *:-)

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Non-user administrators flush Moodle, replace with Sakai *:-(

Bummer.  I say Bummer.
VHL (Very High Level) administrators who don't live in or use the LCMS worlds, have decreed that the default LCMS shall not be Moodle for a while, so that the home grown Sakai can be trotted about for all to see.  Lotta work I have done is now on hold, and legions of conversion programmers are queuing up to offer their services (students will probably do it for free, sorry).
So ... the waiting begins, for a return to sanity.
No worries, I'm gonna Moodle anyway *:-)