Friday, April 17, 2015

Selfish Choice: Who I want to have a single event dinner with during 2015:

My wish for a special dinner this year would be to configure a dinner table in my home with the following (bring the dead ones back):

  • Mark Twain
  • Dave Brubeck
  • Ernest Hemingway
  • Lee Allan Sanders
  • Erma Bombeck
  • Hillary Clinton
  • Eleanor Roosevelt
  • Helen Louise Russell
  • Hamsa Merlet

Starter topic: Create a nurturing quotation that will resonate with and help today's YA population to succeed.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Easter 2015, An excellent day

The rain, although desperately needed and hoped for here, held off.
The grandkids all showed up, and brought their parents with them :-)
Grandpa Bunny (me) had prepared balance beams, buried golden eggs with BIG surprises inside, and the other parents hid the "standard" Easter eggs in our yard while I took all six gkids down to the creek to throw rocks off the bridge to watch the splashes and careering bounces for those who missed the water first time.
Food was served, Champagne (real) was consumed (only by the adults), and lots of chocolate was on hand.
My special surprises for the gkids consisted of one Minecraft torch for each, a choice of Minecraft sword or pickaxe for each, and a choice of Creeper or Steven head for each.
The gkids did what I hoped they would, which was run madly around the yard having a great time outdoors.
Yay :-)
I am grateful, and give thanks.